wrangler jacket 11 MJ  

Diposting oleh dona2452

Bismillah hirahman nirahim
postingan pertama di blog saya tentang denim adalah wrangler jacket 11 MJ. Hasil pencarian terbaik selama ini. kenapa terbaik? pertama ini jacket pertama wrangler yang tentunya sangat jarang "rare". mungkin cuma ada 1 di kalimantan Barat, atau bahkan di Indonesia. yang kedua jacket ini dibeli dengan harga reatif murah bagi saya, tentunya jika dinilai dari sejarah nya ataupun dari tingkat kejarangan nya nih jaket. berikut photo-photo nya :

nih spesifikasinya :
wrangler jacket 1948 lot. 11 MJ repro MIJ Scovill button, 2 back buckle. Wrangler first denim jacket. The jacket featured vents on the back of the shoulder seams that were held in place by elastic strips sewn on the inside of the jackets. The design also included backstraps with buckles on the outside of the jackets. It was tailored to give a tighter fit and still allow free movement. The early design also featured the famous pleats along side the buttons in the front.
more site to follow :
1. http://vintage-pisangkling.blogspot.com/2007/07/wrangler-blue-bell-first-edition-jacket.html

sorry this is my collection, not for sale....